The Missing Photo Album. I woke up one day and noticed that a photograph of a friend of mine (who died in a car accident in 1998) had been placed on my bedside table. This picture belonged in a photo album given to me by my friend after a trip we took to Hong Kong and Thailand. I wondered what it was doing on my bedside table, so I decided to get the photo album out of one of the drawers I always kept it in only to find that it had vanished. I asked Archangel Kàm, who is one of my guardian angels, if he had taken the album and he said that indeed he had. He told me that it would be returned to me, but I was not told when. He left one of the photographs on the bedside table as a ‘calling card’ to let me know that he had ‘popped in’ while I was sleeping!
Several months later my brother was in town on business. He was staying with my sister and needed a ride to the airport. As my sister was unable to take him, I offered to give him a lift to the airport and proceeded to clear out my car so that there would be plenty of room for his luggage. My car was neat and tidy. Upon arrival at my sister’s house, I opened the door to the back seat where my brother was about to place one of his bags and there staring right at me was the photo album Archangel Kàm had taken from me several months earlier! It had been very carefully positioned so that I would notice it as soon as I opened the car door!
Since that ‘incident’ several other items have been moved in my home or ‘transplanted’ elsewhere! Archangel Kàm is known for his sense of humor and he loves playing pranks on me! He always makes me smile when he does and I sense him smiling too!
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