Significance of Dreams

Dreams have always been an enigma for all who experience them. Every dream has its own significance and is unique to the person experiencing it but the truth is that it is almost impossible to accurately interpret them. The average person only recalls approximately 10% of dream activity and unless details of the dreams are […]

Archangel Kàm Missing Jewelry!

Twelve years ago, a friend of mine had some angel jewelry custom made for me by a friend. She gave me a silver chain with an angel crystal pendant, a matching bracelet and earrings. The jewelry came in rectangular box. There was a paper scroll wrapped around the box tied with a ribbon. When I […]

Angel Story: Archangel Kalim

I have had several encounters and visions  of Archangel Kalim who always addresses me as ‘Miss Cynthia Silk’.  Whenever I saw him in my home he would sit next to me and often brought a single stem red rose with him.  On one occasion I actually saw the red rose in the physical sense! When […]

Understanding Mediumship

There are very few people who really understand the true meaning of mediumship and its significance.  Mediumship is the ability to connect with a Divine source telepathically for the sole purpose of receiving spiritual guidance to those who need it. The purpose of a medium, also known as a clairvoyant, empath, intuitive, psychic, psychic medium […]

Archangel Kàm Humor 2010

A little Angel humor Archangel Kàm. A few years ago I was watching a movie over the Christmas holiday when I started to hear ‘Do you believe in Magic’ playing repeatedly in my mind. During the first commercial break I went into the kitchen to get a glass of wine and when I returned I […]