Children of Enlightenment’ are Angels who are sent here in order to be born as enlightened children. The following groups of Angels have incarnated or will be incarnating on this planet:

Azúrean Children (2014): Azúrean Children are amazing energy healers who will become known for a new healing technique called Azúrean energy healing. Azúrean Children began incarnating on this planet in 2014.

Maya Children (2014): Maya Children began incarnating on this planet in 2014 and have the ability to communicate with multiple realms using an advanced form of telepathy known as star channeling.

Star Children (2016): Star Children began incarnating on this planet in 2016. Star Children use a communication technique called telepathic synthesis. This process enables Angel Channelers, Spirit Channelers and Star Channelers to communicate with any life form in the lesser known realms of the outer regions of the Universe.

Opal Children (2018): The Opal Children began incarnating on this planet in 2018 and they will be among the most powerful mediums ever to grace this planet.

Pleiadean Children (2018): Pleiadean Children began incarnating on this planet in 2018 and will be known for their extraordinary telepathic communication skills.

Flùvian Children (2019): Flùvian Children began incarnating on this planet in 2019. Flùvian Children are known for their extraordinary star channeling abilities and for their beautiful minds.

Emerald Children (2020): Emerald Children began incarnating on this planet in 2020 and will be known for their powerful healing ability using pure emerald energy sourced from their own planet ‘Rayzzìaz’.

Rainbow Children (2020): Rainbow Children began incarnating on this planet in 2020 and will have the most amazing mediumship skills which will include a more powerful animal communication method.

Tytàníèn Children (2020): Tytàníèn Children began incarnating on this planet in 2020 and will be known for their incredible healing abilities and extraordinary telepathic powers.

Anaguah Children (2021): Anaguah Children began incarnating on this planet in 2021. The Anaguah Children are a part of a group of healers who use crystalline energy to remove pathogens that cause epidemic diseases.

Druyan Children (2021): Druyan Children began incarnating on this planet in 2021. Druyan Children are a formidable group of healers who will be using a form of quantum energy technology.

Orayèn Children (2024): Orayèn Children will begin incarnating on this planet in 2024. Orayèn Children have amazing telepathic clairvoyance that allows them to look into the future and predict with absolute accuracy what is yet to come for Humanity.

Xèaehn Children (2024): Xèaehn Children will begin incarnating on this planet in 2024. Xèaehn Children are the most amazing telepaths with incredible metaphysical abilities.

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