The Ancient Prophets have often been described as people who had the ability to predict the future however most of them were sent here to establish new civilizations and to share their knowledge through teachings.

This chapter is about the founders of our most ancient civilizations and their origins. The principal founders came from a region beyond the Universe called ‘the ralà zone’ which is known for its magnificent formations of brightly colored energies that resemble mountain ranges. The ralà zone comprises multiple sun and star systems that are significantly larger than those found in the Omniverse today.

The primary ethnic groups responsible for creating the foundation for most of our ancient civilizations are the Nàtivans, the Flùvians, the Áfràreans, the Phylèstiens, the Arabians, the Corínthians, the Tyrrèniáns, the Tytàns, the Àtlantèáns and the Tytàníèns all of whom are featured on this website.

The introduction of spiritual enlightenment by the ancient prophets to this planet marked the commencement of a new belief system that brought comfort and validation about an afterlife that many did not believe existed. Furthermore, the ideology behind it proved to be the most talked about in this planet’s history.

Our spiritual evolution will bring about a much-needed period of enlightenment about Ancient Aliens, Ancient Realms, Archangels, the Universe, our origins and the afterlife.

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