Gregory Hines vision. In December 2008 I had a brief vision of the actor, dancer, singer and choreographer Gregory Hines. He looked exactly like he did in the movies ‘White Nights’ and ‘The Cotton Club’. I saw him walk right past me while I was sitting on my sofa.
Born in New York City in 1946, Gregory Hines studied dance from an early age and performed with family members at the Apollo Theater. In the 1970s he launched a Broadway career and later starred in movies including The Cotton Club and White Nights. Tap dancer, actor, director, musician.
I do not know why I saw him or even if it was significant. While it is very frustrating not knowing, it is my hope that I will be given further information about it one day.
Update: Monday, 26th April 2021. I have just been told that the reason I was shown the ‘video clip’ (vision) of Gregory Hines was to let me know that thousands of Angels spend a life here, sometimes in their own likeness. Another interesting piece of information I was given and shown as I write this, is that the actor we knew as Gregory Hines is an Angel who still loves to dance!
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