Archangel Zé Vision December 2010

Vision of Archangel Zé.  Early December 2010 I had a vision of a male angel who just ‘appeared’ on my sofa one evening! He was very handsome with the most amazing eyes and he just sat there for about two minutes smiling at me! His name is Zé and he belongs to a prominent group of angels called the ‘Xètán Angels‘.

About a week later I saw Xètán Angel Zé in the ethereal sense approach me while I was in my living room. He was dressed as a very smart waiter in a black jacket, white shirt and black trousers. The first time he entered my living room he had a bottle of champagne and two champagne glasses on a silver tray. He did not speak but he indicated it was for me! Then he left and then returned with a platter of hors d’oeuvres (smoked salmon, caviar, olives etc.) also intended for me. Zé told me that I deserved to be treated like a princess which is what he wanted for me.

This was not the last vision I had of Archangel Zé. I will be adding some more in the near future.

Copyright © 2024 Cynthia A. Silk. All Rights Reserved.

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