I was at a friend’s house today celebrating her youngest daughter’s birthday. We were all seated around the dining room table having brunch when my attention was drawn to the kitchen directly in front of me. My friends’ oldest daughter Carol was washing some dishes at the sink. I turned away for a moment and when I looked back I saw a tall young man with long black hair and a moustache standing at the kitchen sink staring right at me. At first I thought it was a friend of the family who had just arrived and I waited to see if someone was going to introduce him to me but when I directed my attention back to the kitchen he was gone and Carol was back at the sink. I had seen a ghost!
UPDATE! Today as I read this again I asked my Angels a question. When I saw the young man it was as if he had ‘replaced’ Carol so I asked what had happened. I was told that the young man was her husband in multiple past lives and that he has been following her through time for centuries!
Updated Wednesday, 18th November 2020.
Copyright © Cynthia A. Silk 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Wow what an insight into peoples past lives. Thank you for sharing.
Reminds me of the time I seen my son up at the kitchen bunker standing on his stool at some
Sweets, I said to him to get down as I was away to the upstairs loo, I then came back down 2 mins later shouting his name – no answer – checked all downstairs rooms and he wasn’t there, feeling somewhat flummoxed I went back upstairs and the last place to check was his room and he was in bed fast asleep – he didn’t pass me in the loo or come up the stairs – his wee astral self must have went sweety hunting. I have loads of these stories like the time we buried some toy cars in Sun City in South Africa in a wee sand pile and couldn’t find them when we tried to dig them up but after picking my car up at the airport after arriving home in edinburgh I found them down the back of the car seat. Oh too many stories.
I’m so interested in story’s like these, please print more, you would have my full attention x