On Friday, 6th January 2023 I woke up with a song in my mind. It was an old song called ‘Because’ by the Beatles and it was from my Angels. I had not heard it in years so I searched for it on YouTube and here it is. I have always loved the Beatles and
Angel Stories
Archangel Kàm Channeled Ring – 17 October 2008
This is a drawing of a ring that I channeled from Archangel Kàm on October 17th, 2008. One evening after work Archangel Kàm guided me to draw a circle on my note pad using my pen. Then I was guided to add other elements to the circle so I kept drawing. I thought I was
Archangel Michael Encounter 2009
One night March 2009 I experienced a remarkable journey from my home to an undisclosed place on this planet. I was asleep and woke up with the feeling that I was being moved. I felt a pair of hands around my waist that gently removed me from my bed. I was not sure what was
An Angel Helped Me This Morning
An Angel helped me this morning. When I got up I noticed that my cat Réya was playing with the door stop in my bathroom. She was trying to remove the plastic cap from it. While trying to move her away from the door I accidentally removed her collar. I tried to put it