In the early part of 2021, I was sitting at my desk working from home when I had a vision of Archangel Zé in the ethereal sense. He just popped up where he knew I would see him which was right next to my desk!
When I have these visions they can often be larger than life, but this time it was the complete opposite. I saw Archangel Zé rushing down a flight of stairs in another dimension of this planet. He looked up at me and smiled, then he disappeared.
The reason I decided to write about this vision today is because we share a ‘past life’ connection, the most recent one being in this life! I spent my formative years in Brasil from age seven to seventeen before we moved back to England in 1971.
In 1973 a friend of my father’s son from Brasil came to spend his vacation in the UK. His son Roberto brought a friend with him who I had never met and his name was Zé and they stayed in London where they were based for several weeks. I showed them around London and it was good to spend time with them both.
I knew Roberto while living in Brasil. My parents knew his family better than I did. We would see him once in while whenever Dad had business in Rio. Zé was a composer, musician and he played the guitar which he brought with him. He loved British pop/rock music and wanted to go some concerts while in London, so we did. We went to see Jethro Tull, a British rock band formed in Blackpool, England in 1967. Zé was a huge fan and was very grateful for the opportunity to see them live in London. After they left England I never saw or heard from them again.
Back in 2010 I wrote post about the unexpected arrival of Archangel Zé. He just appeared by my large sectional sofa and he looked exactly like my friend Zé who I met in London in 1973. I asked my angels if there was any connection between Archangel Zé and the person I met by the same name. I was told ‘yes there was and there still is’.