Thursday, 18 April 2013. Since posting a message from Archangel Daniel this morning I have started hearing another song non-stop in my mind ‘Climb Every Mountain’ from film ‘The Sound of Music’ with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. This time the message was from Archangel Michael and it is a very significant one ‘do not be afraid to follow your dreams’.
Update 19 January 2022: I have followed Archangel Michael’s guidance no matter what obstacle is placed in my way.
Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.
Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
‘Till you find your dream.
A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live.
Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream
A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life,
For as long as you live.
Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream.
I do not own the copyright of this video or its content.
Copyright © 2013-2024 Cynthia A. Silk. All Rights Reserved.
That’s so true♥️