I thought I would write a post about my many channeled experiences involving Princess Diana over the years. I remember being very shocked at how strongly I reacted to her untimely demise, but more significantly to the sea of floral tributes left at Kensington Palace following her death. Every time the increasing number of flowers
Vision About 9/11/2001

My vision about 9/11/2001 took place a few years ago. I had a vision about what happened to the people who lost their lives during the 9/11 Twin Towers attack in New York. These were the people who were in the two airplanes that flew into the buildings. The vision I had was like watching
My Dog Gus

It is amazing how childhood memories return when you least expect them to! We moved from England to Brasil when I was seven years old. I spent my formative years from seven to seventeen in Petrópolis, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. When I was 13 years old I shared a room with

My father passed away in 2001 about a month before 9/11 took place. He had Alzheimer’s Disease. In 2010 I found myself standing outside a hotel room and let myself in. Much to my surprise I saw an older male standing in front of me. At first I did not recognize him then as I
My Mother’s Passing July 2012

My Mother’s passing. In July of 2012 my mother’s health started to decline. She was living in a nursing home in England at the time. She had congestive heart failure, peripheral neuropathy and mild dementia. On Friday, 6th July 2012 we received a call letting us know that she had taken a turn for the
5th Dimension Prophecy

FUNERALS In the not too distant future funerals as we know them will cease to exist. Instead the lives of loved ones will be celebrated with compassion in a service or privately. There will be no more burials because the bodies pollute the land. Instead they will be cremated and the ashes placed in small