‘Dreams Awake’ are a form of trans-dimensional travel that take place within a secure environment where people are safely transported by Angels or Spirit Guides in order to experience one or more of the following events: historical regression, past life regression, prophecies, reunion with loved ones, the future or to receive guidance of any kind. […]
Day: February 19, 2023
Encounter With An ‘E.T’ 22 December 2009
Encounter with an E.T. and Archangel Michael. I woke up around 3:45 this morning and had trouble getting back to sleep. The last time I looked at the clock it was 4:40. The next thing I remember I was sitting in a room facing a rather unusual looking being sitting in an armchair. This being […]
My Dog Gus
It is amazing how childhood memories return when you least expect them to! We moved from England to Brasil when I was seven years old. I spent my formative years from seven to seventeen in Petrópolis, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. When I was 13 years old I shared a room with […]
My father passed away in 2001 about a month before 9/11 took place. He had Alzheimer’s Disease. In 2010 I found myself standing outside a hotel room and let myself in. Much to my surprise I saw an older male standing in front of me. At first I did not recognize him then as I […]