Animal Sanctuary Dream

Thursday, 12th July 2012 I had a vivid dream before I woke up this morning. I was in nature reserve and I had my digital camera with me when I spotted what I thought was a beautiful yellow bird fly right past me. I really wanted to get a picture of it and just as […]

Life As A Duck!

I love all animals but for some reason I am very drawn to ducks.  When I lived by a lake I would spend hours at a time walking around it taking as many photographs of ducks as I could.  Sometimes they would pose for me on my patio and go to great lengths to catch […]

Past Life Connection

Years ago when I used to go out regularly and after work or at the weekends I met an English friend of my boyfriend called Michael.  There were several British pubs in Houston, three of which were owned and run by Michael. Whenever I was at any of his pubs he always came over and […]

Past Life: ‘Jack’

On Monday, 1st December 2008 I woke up with a sense of foreboding. I had a brief dream about someone I knew in a past life of mine.  I felt the urge to start writing and then I realized a male voice was speaking to me.  His name was Jack. Jack:  I did not realize […]