I had a vision in the middle of the night many years ago. I was sitting inside a large circus tent where I saw a ringmaster entertaining the crowd. I also noticed children, a clown, a juggler, magicians, tightrope walkers and trapeze artists. It was a fascinating scene to watch. While I was watching I
Angel Stories
Angel Realm Dream
Years ago I had a dream that I recently recalled. I found myself on a street facing a beach when I noticed that all the people on it were dressed in white. Some were walking and some were cycling. They were all heading to a summer solstice celebration. A man waved at me as he
Emerald Angel Zain
Emerald Angel Zain vision Several months ago I had a vision of Zain in the ethereal sense literally landing in the middle of my living room like he had jumped through the ceiling. His hair was platinum blonde with a slight wave in it worn loose to the waist. He was wearing a black rain
A Hidden Angel Sign

In the early years of doing this work I used to see feathers a lot. The last one I remember seeing was when I was on my way to do readings at a psychic fair at Body, Mind & Soul in Houston one Sunday many years ago. While I was waiting at the intersection in
Pleiadean Angels Encounter 2009

My Pleiadean Angels story. In 2009 I had a very interesting experience in the early hours of the morning in my home. At approximately 4:00 am I woke up to see a shadow of a very tall male walk past by bedroom door that I always keep slightly ajar while I sleep so my