A few weeks ago I was doing a reading for a client when I had ...
Tuesday, 28th December 2010 Emerald Angel Ézzrà. This morning when I woke up I noticed that the CD/DVD drive was open on my laptop which was on my bedside table to my left. I knew immediately that Emerald Angel Ézzrà had done this to let me know that he was here! Ézzrà has a habit
Twelve years ago, a friend of mine had some angel jewelry custom made for me by a friend. She gave me a silver chain with an angel crystal pendant, a matching bracelet and earrings. The jewelry came in rectangular box. There was a paper scroll wrapped around the box tied with a ribbon. When I
Archangel Kàm Message. A friend is coming to stay today. After spending the morning cleaning the guest bedroom and bathroom I did a final inspection to make sure I had not forgotten anything. Confident that I had everything that my friend might need I proceeded to get myself ready for his arrival and as I
As a medium I am incredibly clairsentient and for those of you who do not understand what that means I will explain it. Being clairsentient (empathic) means that I have the ability to feel or sense all of my emotions very strongly. I always have, but I never really gave much thought as to why
On Friday, 6th January 2023 I woke up with a song in my mind. It was an old song called ‘Because’ by the Beatles and it was from my Angels. I had not heard it in years so I searched for it on YouTube and here it is. I have always loved the Beatles and