Archangel Mètatrón is a Qárian Angel and is one of the highest ranking angels in the Universe. Mètatrón is 33 Earth years in appearance, 6’4″ tall with a medium tan complexion, brown eyes and long wavy chestnut-brown hair worn in a ponytail.  Mètatrón is usually seen wearing a long amethyst colored robe with a gold band around his waist and a simple gold Cleopatra style headband. Mètatrón is from the Sanctuary of Qária however he is not from the Universe originally.  Mètatrón’s origins are sacred.

Mètatrón is a well-known and much loved angel who works very closely with Archangel Raphael and Archangel Ária. Mètatrón is passionate about his work as a healer and is one of the best healers in the Universe today. Mètatrón has a unique healing technique that involves the combined use of star and sun energy infused into a large crystal wand that is his trademark.

Mètatrón has numerous responsibilities in his role as Principal Healer, one of which being to enhance his knowledge of the curative powers of crystals in order to teach it to healers all over the Universe.  Mètatrón works alongside Archangel Raphael to guide Reiki and other healers with their energy work.

Archangel Mètatrón believes that the Universe has many undiscovered and untapped resources of healing energy and has made it his mission to research their whereabouts.

Mètatrón is an integral part of this planet’s ‘Transition to Enlightenment’ currently in progress.

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