The Xètán Angels are a magnificent group of human beings who reside in the Kingdom of Xètá situated in the outer regions of the Universe.  The Kingdom of Xètá is a very large planet that is home to multiple groups known as ‘Angels of Light’. They are an ancient civilization that pre-dates the Universe who are known for their healing technology, magical abilities and for their enchanting history.

They are responsible for the introduction of several children’s fables to this planet and these are Aladdin, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves all of which are loosely based on actual events that took place on Xètá over a thousand millennia ago. They are also responsible for introducing several breeds of cats to our planet and they are Persian, Siamese and Egyptian Mau.

There are many from this group who will soon be acknowledged for their significant contributions to this planet and they are Xètán Angels Zé, Jorat and Phillyda.  

The Xètán Angels have a pivotal role in our planet’s enlightenment transition alongside the Andromeda, the Árian, the Fárian and the Ômega Angels.

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