In May 2011 while I was working from home I had an unexpected vision of actor Christopher Reeve.
He appeared as if he was sitting beside me in the ethereal sense. He was dressed in a white Polo shirt with blue jeans. I saw him stand up and walk into the arms of Archangel Michael. Then I heard Michael say “welcome back”. Christopher looked younger and was in perfect health.
Since then I have had multiple visions of Christopher Reeve. One of them was while I was doing a reading at Body Mind & Soul in Houston when I had a problem hearing my Angels and guides. I was doing the reading in an upstairs room for a Middle Eastern lady with her daughter who was there as an interpreter. The reading started off very well then everything went fuzzy. I saw Christopher Reeve and Princess Diana entering the room and they appeared to be hovering above the table where we were seated. Both gave me guidance to pass on to my clients.
Christopher Reeve was born September 25, 1952 in New York City. He had various stage and television roles before playing the part of Superman and its sequels. In 1995 he became paralyzed from the neck down following a horse-riding accident. He founded the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation in 1998 to promote research on spinal cord injuries. He died of cardiac arrest in 2004.
I will never forget my first vision of Christopher Reeve!
Copyright © 2023 Cynthia A. Silk. All Rights Reserved.
How lovely,, he went home. ❤