Archangel Nikolas is one of the highest ranking angels in the Universe. Nikolas is 35 Earth years in appearance, 6’0” tall with a medium complexion, green eyes and long wavy black hair. Nikolas is usually seen in a brown pin stripe suit, bright colored shirts and fancy shoes.  Nikolas is from the Sanctuary of Qária however he is not from the Universe originally. Nikolas’ origins are sacred.

Nikolas is a mastermind in communication technology and scientific data.  In addition to being a Guardian Angel and Mentor, Nikolas spends a great of his time researching ways to find solutions to his department’s numerous projects that require them.

Archangel Nikolas is an integral part of our planet’s ‘Transition to Enlightenment’ and will be working with Archangel ÁriaArchangel David, Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Kàm on several projects.

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