Archangel Jared is one of the highest ranking angels in the Universe. Jared is 48 Earth years in appearance, 6’0″ tall with a pale complexion, blue eyes and shoulder length dark brown hair. Jared is usually seen wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. Jared is from the Kingdom of Crìsyà situated in the outer regions of the Universe.  His origins are sacred.

Jared is a wonderful human being who believes in the sanctuary of sacred temples where people in need of solace can go to spend time in quiet contemplation.  Sacred temples exist all over the Universe and its outer regions and are regarded as spiritual retreats.  Jared spends a great deal of his time teaching transcendental meditation techniques to fellow angels to help them cope during periods of stress while on difficult assignments.

Jared was one of the Archangels assigned to this planet when Jesus was born along with Archangel Cynthyà, Archangel Joseph, Archange Luke, Archangel MatthewArchangel Març and Archangel Michael. Jared’s primary responsibility was to guide Jesus with his spiritual growth, philosophical writings and teachings.

Jared was also sent to this planet to oversee the arrival of a brand new group of angels who later became known as the Caliphant Angels because of their connection to the prophets of ancient Mesopotamia.  Jared was assigned to multiple Babylonian prophets as their senior guardian angel.

Jared was one of the founding fathers of the ancient Egyptian Empire.  This was the most interesting and the most enlightening incarnation Jared has ever spent on this planet.

Jared is an integral part of this planet’s ‘Transition to Enlightenment‘ along with Archangel CynthyàArchangel Franςois and Archangel Kàm.

Primary Role:  Guardian, Healer and Teacher
Reference: Árian Angels   

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