My services are listed below. Readings are available by Telephone, Facebook Messenger and Skype Voice Chat. Please note that all readings are non-refundable and are only available by appointment. Changes are permitted without charge. No shows are non-refundable. Note: In person readings unavailable at this time.
Guidance on career, finances, life path, love and relationships.
FEES: 30 minutes ($85.00), 45 minutes ($115.00), 1 hour ($165.00)
During this comprehensive session I will be giving you angel guidance on specific areas of your life, be they past, present or going forward. You will also be given the names of your senior Guardian Angels.
FEE: 1 hour and 30 minutes ($225.00)
Private class about connecting with your Angels, identifying their signs and what to expect during the awakening process.
FEES: 1 hour $165.00, 1 hour 30 minutes ($225.00)
A sacred journey is a form of time travel guided by Angels that you take without leaving home! These journeys encompass a variety of unique experiences that will leave you filled with wonder and longing for more.
During these sessions you are able to receive healing, see long lost relatives, visit past lives, travel into space to see life on another planet, meet other divine beings or take a glimpse into the future.
When you have your first telepathic journey your Angels will decide which one will be the best for you. This is usually something enchanting, relaxing and magical. You do not need mediumship abilities in order to take a telepathic journey as long as you have the ability to visualize.
FEES: 1 hour 30 minutes ($225.00) | 2 hours ($280.00)
Testimonial: Irene Piper 26 November 2023
My recent healing meeting with Cynthia is beyond exceptional! Not only did I receive healing but I met two wonderful angels Cam and Rìn. Rìn I was introduced to first and I saw his pinstriped trousers but I saw pointed ears. Cynthia explained Rìn had been an elf in a previous life. My journey took me to a spaceship where I was met by some kind beings that did a levitation healing. I was then taken to a planet that gathers crystals for crystal wands. I was encouraged to pick up some crystals and I could hear them tinkle as I scooped them up. On my way back from the planet with the crystal cavern, I saw my deceased mother and her mother, my grandmother’s faces. Cynthia said they had witnessed my entire healing appointment. I felt lighter after the appointment and happier than I have in years. Thank you Cynthia!
Testimonial: Virginia Lynn Rutenber 15 December 2023
On November 19, 2023 at night I was fortunate enough to experience my very 1st Telepathic Journey and Healing with Cynthia. It surpasses anything I have ever done before – an incredible journey which felt so magical. And during this time I met the kindest, most caring Angels, Kam and Rin. I can still feel their presence.
I was guided down this path to a little house with a forest of trees everywhere. When I entered the house I felt so comfortable. I first noted a table and fireplace – it looked quaint. Outside the kitchen window I could see rabbits (some really large), butterflies, lots of flowers, even dragons. I was then drawn to the stairs on the other side of the living room. Upon reaching the 2nd floor I went to this one bedroom where I immediately noticed all too familiar things – this was my Paternal Grandmother’s Bedroom. I saw a photo of my Dad on her night stand, my Grandma’s jewelry, clothing. Then down the hallway towards a large gold and white room. I later found out this would be my favorite room – my go to room for peace and quiet, some alone time. I must add – somewhere on my way to this room I met my deceased Parents. I had tried so hard for this moment, then quite unexpectedly they appeared smiling and so happy. It was pure joy for me and the tears began – happy tears. Words cannot truly describe that meeting. Cynthia was there with me for all of this,
My journey continued on a spaceship with Rin and Kam to a place of healing by these warm and kind beings. Immediately after, I felt a calmness and peace come over me that I hadn’t felt in years – like all the stress was flowing out of my body. Then we returned to the house. I am now in the ballroom. I feel Kam and Rin guiding me. I am dancing the Waltz with Kam – he is a wonderful dancer. Next, Rin wants me to try the Charleston – I haven’t done this in years! But I always and loved to dance when I was younger. There is a buffet table nearby and we had some snacks and wine.
Now Kam and Rin are taking me to the beach. I always LOVED going there. A favorite place for me. I sat on the boardwalk bench with my coffee. It was beautiful night. The ocean was calm and I could hear the waves breaking again the shore. It is so peaceful here, no stress. I think after a bit, I fell asleep. Kam and Rin were nearby.
Finally, I want to express my heart felt heartfelt gratitude to you Cynthia for such an amazing journey – one I shall never forget. You, Kam and Rin helped me through something quite wonderful and I came out feeling healthier and SO much better! I am more at peace, calmer and what is important to me – better at handling stress at home in caring for my husband. It has made a huge difference! And for this I am grateful. Thank you for all you do and for all you are. You are a gift and a blessing in my life.
Copyright @ Cynthia A. Silk 2022-2025. All Rights Reserved.