Greetings! Welcome to my Guestbook. Thank you for visiting my website. If you would like to leave comments or feedback it would be very much appreciated! You can also leave a review about your reading experience if you wish.

I hope you have enjoyed reading the many topics featured on this site. Please let me know if you have any questions about them. You can submit your questions or comments to my email address at

Thank you for signing my Guest Book.

Namaste 🙏

Cynthia A. Silk Angel Channeler & Psychic Medium

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51 entries.
Irene Irene from Port Gamble wrote on March 13, 2025 at 11:32 pm
After having an engrossing session with Cynthia today I have so many questions. A great deal was answered but there is so much more I wish to learn. Just saying thank you to Cynthia doesn’t seem like enough. Her knowledge and willingness to teach is incredible. Looking forward to future sessions!
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
I am so glad you enjoy our sessions Irene! 🦋🦋
Irene Piper Irene Piper from Port Gamble wrote on March 4, 2025 at 8:27 pm
Today I was fortunate to have a healing session with Cynthia A Silk. Healing session was planned and during this session I was given a window into one of my past lives. Of all things, I had been a flamenco dancer. Married and we were enjoying a carriage ride
The knowledge of our world known by Cynthia A Silk is broad and intriguing. Never do I tire enjoying the trips we enjoy during our session.
I had the Archangels Francois and Archangel Kam with me during my session. Learning about myself is a pleasure with the Archangels.
Thank you Cynthia A Silk,
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
You are welcome Irene and I am glad you enjoy these sessions so much!
Irene P Irene P from Port Gamble wrote on February 23, 2025 at 7:18 pm
On Friday February 21, 2025 my most recent session with Cynthia was a healing experience. In my mid 70’s there are those aches and pains we live with. This session had me on a space vessel and in the more than competent hands of several powerful healers including Archangel François and Archangel Kàm.

While I was lying down, my body was scanned from head to feet. The scan revealed internal scar tissue, but nothing major. The healing took about two hours and when completed I felt serene with a sense of well being. My mind was clear for the first time in weeks. The next morning my eyes were so clear and colors were more vivid!

It is days later and I still feel renewed. Would I do this again, absolutely!

Thank you Cynthia for this amazing healing! ❤️
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you so much Irene for the feedback on your healing session last week. I really appreciate it!

Take care,

Cynthia 🦋🦋🦋
Amenia Tyson Amenia Tyson from Cleveland wrote on April 15, 2024 at 3:24 am
I had a reading done by Cynthia March 9, 2024.
I writing to validate what she told me to come into fruition the way she told me things would.
I was having issues in a relationship and needed to know if all was lost or if it could be healed. After receiving messages from her and what I could do to help fix the relationship, I am here to say that it worked and I am very thankful and grateful to have reached out to Cynthia when I needed guidance. She was also able to validate some things in my life I was unsure of without me even telling her. After confirmation on things I’ve been debating about doing I am now on track and things are starting to fall into place in my life for me. I will definitely recommend anyone looking for guidance and insight into any situation with Cynthia as you don’t have to tell her anything and she gives you the answers you need to know for your highest good.
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you Amenia for your kind review.
Irene Piper Irene Piper from Port Gamble, WA wrote on March 12, 2024 at 10:43 pm
My past life visit today was especially profound. I have never learned so much during a reading as I did today. This visit into my past was not only informative but explains so many of my interests, likes, color preferences, and my interest in Victorian era lives. I can’t thank Cynthia enough for her shared gift. I will definitely be looking forward to spending time with Cynthia again.
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you Irene! I enjoyed this session also!
Victoria Ortega Victoria Ortega from Katy wrote on March 6, 2024 at 4:46 pm
I first met Cynthia in 2019 and I had my first channel reading with her. I had a reading with her on a whim. I remember not even having the money for it, but my soul felt it needed healing.

I was just offered a new job that I thought I was going to be at for a long time! Cynthia tells me that this job will be my stepping stone to where I need to be long-term. I thought to myself no way! This job is perfect. Lo and behold the pandemic hit in 2020 and I was laid off from this job. In late 2020 I found my new job and I have been there for 3 years! Cynthia was spot on! I've grown in my career.

Additionally, I asked her personal questions regarding my grandfather, whom I never met. After further genealogy research, it was conclusive that what she said about him was spot on!

I recently completed a new reading with Cynthia and I look forward to what my Angels have in store for me.
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you so very much Victoria for your lovely feedback. 💜🦋

Virginia Rutenber Virginia Rutenber wrote on December 15, 2023 at 5:38 pm
On November 19, 2023 at night I was fortunate enough to experience my very 1st Telepathic Journey and Healing with Cynthia. It surpasses anything I have ever done before - an incredible journey which felt so magical. And during this time I met the kindest, most caring Angels, Kam and Rin. I can still feel their presence.

I was guided down this path to a little house with a forest of trees everywhere. When I entered the house I felt so comfortable. I first noted a table and fireplace - it looked quaint. Outside the kitchen window I could see rabbits (some really large), butterflies, lots of flowers, even dragons. I was then drawn to the stairs on the other side of the living room. Upon reaching the 2nd floor I went to this one bedroom where I immediately noticed all too familiar things - this was my Paternal Grandmother's Bedroom. I saw a photo of my Dad on her night stand, my Grandma's jewelry, clothing.

Then down the hallway towards a large gold and white room. I later found out this would be my favorite room - my go to room for peace and quiet, some alone time.

I must add - somewhere on my way to this room I met my deceased Parents. I had tried so hard for this moment, then quite unexpectedly they appeared smiling and so happy. It was pure joy for me and the tears began - happy tears. Words cannot truly describe that meeting. Cynthia was there with me for all of this,

My journey continued on a spaceship with Rin and Kam to a place of healing by these warm and kind beings. Immediately after, I felt a calmness and peace come over me that I hadn't felt in years - like all the stress was flowing out of my body. Then we returned to the house.

I am now in the ballroom. I feel Kam and Rin guiding me. I am dancing the Waltz with Kam - he is a wonderful dancer. Next, Rin wants me to try the Charleston - I haven't done this in years! But I always and loved to dance when I was younger. There is a buffet table nearby and we had some snacks and wine.

Now Kam and Rin are taking me to the beach. I always LOVED going there. A favorite place for me. I sat on the boardwalk bench with my coffee. It was beautiful night. The ocean was calm and I could hear the waves breaking again the shore. It is so peaceful here, no stress. I think after a bit, I fell asleep. Kam and Rin were nearby.

Finally, I want to express my heart felt heartfelt gratitude to you Cynthia for such an amazing journey - one I shall never forget. You, Kam and Rin helped me through something quite wonderful and I came out feeling healthier and SO much better! I am more at peace, calmer and what is important to me - better at handling stress at home in caring for my husband. It has made a huge difference! And for this I am grateful. Thank you for all you do and for all you are. You are a gift and a blessing in my life.
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you so much for this wonderful review of your session Virginia!


Cynthia xxx
Virginia Rutenber Virginia Rutenber from Pickerington wrote on December 15, 2023 at 4:10 pm
On November 19, 2023 at night I was fortunate enough to experience my very 1st Telepathic Journey and Healing with Cynthia. It surpasses anything I have ever done before - an incredible journey which felt so magical. And during this time I met the kindest, most caring Angels, Kam and Rin. I can still feel their presence.

I was guided down this path to a little house with a forest of trees everywhere. When I entered the house I felt so comfortable. I first noted a table and fireplace - it looked quaint. Outside the kitchen window I could see rabbits (some really large), butterflies, lots of flowers, even dragons. I was then drawn to the stairs on the other side of the living room. Upon reaching the 2nd floor I went to this one bedroom where I immediately noticed all too familiar things - this was my Paternal Grandmother's Bedroom. I saw a photo of my Dad on her night stand, my Grandmas jewelry, clothing.

Then down the hallway towards a large gold and white room. I later found out this would be my favorite room - my go to room for peace and quiet.
I must add - somewhere on my way to this room I met my deceased Parents. I had tried so hard for this moment, then quite unexpectedly they appeared smiling and so happy. It was pure joy for me and the tears began - happy tears. Words cannot truly describe that meeting. Cynthia was there with me for all of this,

My journey continued on a spaceship with Rin and Kam to a place of healing by these warm and kind beings. Immediately after, I felt a calmness and peace come over me that I hadn't felt in years - like all the stress was flowing out of my body. Then we returned to the house.

I went to a ballroom. I felt Kam and Rin guiding me. I danced the Waltz with Kam - he is a wonderful dancer. Next, Rin wanted me to try the Charleston - I haven't done this in years! But I always loved to dance when I was younger. There was a buffet table nearby and we had some snacks and wine.

Then Kam and Rin took me to the beach. I always LOVED going there. A favorite place for me. I sat on the boardwalk bench with my coffee. It was beautiful night. The ocean was calm and I could hear the waves breaking again the shore. It is so peaceful here, no stress. I think after a bit, I fell asleep. Kam and Rin were nearby.

Finally, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you Cynthia for such an amazing journey - one I shall never forget. You, Kam and Rin helped me through something quite wonderful and I came out feeling healthier and SO much better! I am more at peace, calmer and what's important to me - better at handling stress at home in caring for my husband. It has made a huge difference! And for this I am grateful. Thank you for all you do and for all you are. You are a gift and a blessing in my life.

Virginia Lynn Rutenber
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you for this amazing review of your journey with Angels Kam and Rin Virginia. 🦋💚❤️🌻🕊️
Philip Philip from NYC wrote on December 3, 2023 at 4:22 pm
Thank you dear Cynthia! I'm enjoying and gaining so much in general from your assistance and guidance. OX
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you Philip! I am so glad you are enjoying the sacred journey!
Love, Cynthia
Irene Piper Irene Piper from Port Gamble wrote on November 26, 2023 at 6:11 pm
My recent healing meeting with Cynthia is beyond exceptional! Not only did I receive healing but I met two wonderful angels Cam and Rin. Rin I was introduced to first and I saw his pinstriped trousers but I saw pointed ears. Cynthia explained Rin had been an elf in a previous life. My journey took me to a spaceship where I was met by some kind beings that did a levitation healing. I was then taken to a planet that gathers crystals for crystal wands. I was encouraged to pick up some crystals and I could hear them tinkle as I scooped them up. On my way back from the planet with the crystal cavern, I saw my deceased mother and her mother, my grandmother, faces. Cynthia said they had witnessed my entire healing appointment. I felt lighter after the appointment and happier than I have in years. Thank you Cynthia!
Doris Horne Doris Horne from Hawaii wrote on October 9, 2023 at 2:13 pm
Thank you for sharing your experiences.
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Hello Doris - thank you for your feedback.
Juan carlos Gonzalez Juan carlos Gonzalez from Las Animas Waterfall, ( San Alfonso, Chile wrote on June 27, 2023 at 10:50 am
I am very grateful that I found this website and that this website found me. I was interested in all the sections and contents of the site but especially in the stages of the ascension of the earth since 2012. Thank you very much Cynthia for this wonderful work.
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you Juan Carlos for your feedback about my website! I truly appreciate it! Cynthia 💚💚
Kevin Jones Kevin Jones from Chandler, AZ wrote on June 7, 2023 at 1:45 pm
Cynthia was sent to me and ever since we connected my life has begun to change in so many ways. Her guidance and wisdom is very powerful. She has connected me to my Angels, and I am not sure that's a regular occurrence. I've taken one Journey with her help, and it was very interesting.

I will say that not everything you see in these Journeys are what you want to see, but I have faith that it's what you should see, even if it's not what you wanted. This world is not about fulfillment of YOUR wishes, but the wishes of God, and the Universe.

If you are looking for answers, then ask Cynthia. She's a truth teller with Divine sources. What you do with the information she shares is up to you.

Love you Cynthia!
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you so much Kevin for your kind words!
Patrick Wong Patrick Wong from port of spaina wrote on June 7, 2023 at 8:40 am
Lovely website. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you Patrick for signing my Guestbook! 💚💚
Philip Paul Kelly Philip Paul Kelly from NYC wrote on February 26, 2023 at 11:55 pm
Hi Cynthia, New website is absolutely beautiful and so superbly designed! I love it! Well Wishes for you and yours always and ever and ever. Love Philip
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you Philip! We need to have another chat soon. I hope you are well too! Love, Cynthia xx
Theresa D'Angelo Theresa D'Angelo from Maywood wrote on February 18, 2023 at 4:32 pm
Cynthia I'm so intrigued by the stories by you. I would so much love to talk to you and hopefully my Mom would come through. Unfortunately I can't afford it so I take consolation in reading your stories they are fascinating. God bless 🙏
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Hello Theresa - if you are on Facebook please send me a friend request from my personal profile

Love, Cynthia
De Jaegher Mauricette De Jaegher Mauricette from Gent wrote on February 17, 2023 at 8:52 am
ik vind uw schrijven zeer intressant en geloof er in .Aan de andere kant twijfel ik altijd of ik wel een engelbewaarder heb.Ik ben nu 82j en op enkele maanden ben ik 3x gevallen met serieuze breuken , danzeg ik toch waar was mijn engelbewaarder ???

English Translation:
I find your writing very interesting and believe in it. On the other hand, I always doubt whether I have an angel keeper. I am now 82 years old and in a few months I have fallen 3 times with serious fractures , then I say where was my guardian angel ???
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you Michael for writing in my guest book. I am sad to hear about your falls. Angels do their best to guide us but sometimes it is not possible to reach us in time. You are intuitive please ask your angels to guide you. Love, Cynthia
Georges Sondervorst Georges Sondervorst from Lasne, Belgium wrote on February 14, 2023 at 2:12 am
Greetings from a visiting Arcturian Soul. I am fascinated by the different subjects mentioned in your Website and wish you all the best in this and other Universes 🤝🫶
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Hello Georges! Thank you for your well wishes and for the feedback about my website. What a nice thing to do. 🦉🦉🦉🦁🦁🦁🕊️🕊️🕊️
Sheila Snow Sheila Snow from Liverpool wrote on February 12, 2023 at 11:21 pm
Thank you for all the information during the time of transformation. Divine love!
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you Sheila!
MARY FOUST MARY FOUST from Reno wrote on February 9, 2023 at 12:23 am
Hi Cynthia. I am new to your website and it is very fascinating. I do believe in angels and so I am keeping an open mind about angels/beings/extraterrestrials from other far, far away places. I do also believe in UFOs and Ancient Aliens also. Tyvm for the great work you do. Sincerely wishing you light, love and peace.-Mary Foust.
CASilk Admin Reply by: CASilk
Thank you so much Mary for writing in my guestbook. I truly appreciate it.