An Angel Channeler is someone who has the ability to channel spiritual guidance telepathically directly from Angels and who has two or more metaphysical abilities. Channelers are also known as mediums or psychics. The Angel Channelers are a crucial part of our planet’s ‘Transition to Enlightenment‘ because of their ability to connect with Angels who are here to guide and protect us.

As part of the enlightenment process they will be given information about Ancient Aliens, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Prophets, Angel Groups, Angel Realms, Ancient Realms, Archangel Names, Sacred Realms, Sacred Geometry Symbols, the Afterlife and the history of this planet.

Angel Channelers have a significant role in the spiritual evolution of this planet not only because of their connection to the Angel realms but also because of the hope and validation they give to people seeking spiritual guidance.  The Transition to Enlightenment will be an exciting period for this group as they develop advanced channeling skills that will take them to a higher level of enlightenment.

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