In this chapter of my website I have written not just about the Archangels but also the Archangel Names for those seeking information about them. In time there will be more added.

The term ‘Archangel’ is commonly used to identify Angels believed to be of a high rank who are assigned to oversee the people of this planet however this is not always the case. Archangels often have several duties to perform that vary according to their field of expertise.

The life of an angel is a very stressful one. They are extraordinary multi-taskers who frequently have to manage several roles concurrently in order to accomplish their assignments within a specific time frame. Some of these assignments keep them away from home and their family for several years at a time.

There are several misunderstandings about angels the most common of all being that angels do not have a physical form however this is not correct. All angels without exception have physical forms and all are human.

Angels have a varied sense of style inspired by the many different civilizations in existence throughout the Universe. Angels are often seen dressed in tunics, long flowing robes, exquisitely designed jewelry, intricate hair ornaments and some rather eccentric costumes! Most of the angels assigned here for decades at a time are often seen wearing jeans, t-shirts and designer suits that are unique to our planet. This often comes as a shock to many people who see them because of the way angels have been depicted on the Internet and in literature.

I will be adding more information about other high-ranking angels on this site in the near future.

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