Azúrean Angel Colette is one of the highest ranking angels in the Universe. Colette’s primary language is French however she is also fluent in English.  She is 46 Earth years in appearance, 5’8″ tall with a pale complexion, blue eyes and shoulder length red hair.  Colette is usually seen wearing a long green tunic with a black mandarin collar and pretty black shoes.  Colette is from a large planet called Azuria located about a million light years from Earth. Azuria is the largest planet of its kind in a star system of over one hundred different planets and star groups. Colette’s origins are sacred.

Colette is a powerful healer who utilizes pure Azúrean energy in order to heal others no matter who or where they live in the Universe.  She is known for her extraordinary insight into the realm of metaphysics, a subject that she loves to teach and has also written about.

Colette is a member of the Azúrean Angels group who have come to our planet for a significant phase in the history of Humanity. The Azúrean Angels are here to observe and assist in any way they can.

Azúrean Angel Colette is an integral part of our planet’s ‘Transition to Enlightenment’ and will be working alongside Archangel Ária, Archangel Kàm and Archangel Zé, on multiple projects to do with the enlightenment process currently under way.

Reference:  Transition to Enlightenment
Angel Group:  Azúrean Angels

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