Archangel Dominic is one of the highest ranking angels in the Universe.  He is 29 Earth years in appearance, 5’10″ tall with a fair complexion, blue eyes and short brown hair.  Dominic is usually seen wearing a dark suit, white shirt and a tailored black hat.  Dominic is from a tiny planet called Gregoria situated the outer regions of the Universe where daylight is prevalent.

Dominic is a highly respected angel whose knowledge of transformative technology yet to be introduced to us.  In the future we will no longer need to rely on outdated maps or any other kind of navigational systems in order to get somewhere.  Instead we will use small satellite devices for use in any type of vehicle in order to reach our final destination.  This also means that in the event of an emergency we can be located in a matter of seconds to secure assistance.

Archangel Dominic is an integral part of our planet’s ‘Transition to Enlightenment’ already in progress and will be working with Archangel Ária, Archangel David and Archangel Kàm on multiple projects connected to the transition.

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